Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jaden Updates!

Our Jaden is really giving us a run for our money!! We keep thinking that he will grow out of whatever phase he is going through, but we are about hitting the ripe age of six and things are not changing, it seems things just get worse! We love him to death but he is oh so negative! Does any one have any suggestions, maybe patience?? Well, I think I'm about out of those.

So on with the good!! He is finishing up his last couple months of preschool and I think he is glad for that. He talks about kindergarten and tells me he will ride the bus to kindergarten but first he has to be six. He is looking forward to the summer and says he wants spring time to be gone. The other day he gave me a list of things that he needed to do this summer. The list included: soccer, swimming, tee ball, tennis and a few others. Wow!! Sounds like a busy summer. He likes playing with his friends and enjoys riding his bike, scooter, and Halli's bike (of course he does this just to get a good scream out of her!) He says some pretty funny things. His vocabulary is starting to broaden. Today he wanted to go on a bike ride with dad but he didn't want to go on the board walk, he wanted to go on a "decent" bike ride! Where in the world did he get that one!

A couple months ago Jaden some how tipped over in my jogging stroller and ended up in the emergency room to get stitches in his head. He wasn't so much concerned about his head having a gouge as he was about having his friends laugh at him. I had to reassure him several times that his friends would think he was tough!! After he got stitched up he told us he wanted to be a doctor when he got big so he could help people when they got hurt. So, a few days later was Sunday and we were waiting to take the sacrament and Justin leaned over to Jaden and asked him if he would like to do what those boys were doing and he said, "I told you when I get big I'm going to be a doctor and put stitches in peoples heads!" He does give us some good laughs.

1 comment:

Callisters said...

I am glad to see the updates! You will get going on blogging and before you know it your are addicted while trying to save every memory and moment! I have found this to be easy to remeber funny things my kids do and say. I used to write on a paper thinking I would put it in this special place until I need it and then you can't find the paper, so know I have it written down in a place I can find! Jackie your post on Jaden gave me hope. I have been struggling so much with my 5 1/2 year old (he will be six in October). It is like he can't stop being negative and having a mind of his own (not always in a nice way!). So reading your post gave me hope it is the age and not my parenting skills! So I am with you, if you find any tips, please pass it along! Have a great day.