Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mother's Day!

What a great day! I love this day and am so thankful there's a day to honor our mothers! Being a mom is a tuff job that never ends. I am so grateful for my mom and for the example she has set for me. I have always loved and appreciated my mom, but I think as I get older I realize more and more how much I appreciate the things she did and still does for me. She has so many great qualities, but I think the one that sticks out in my mind is how thoughtful she is. She is always doing things for others. This must run in the blood because Grandma Faye was always taking her cinnamon rolls to friends and neighbors along with other homemade goods. To me this is one of the best qualities you could have! I hope to follow in her footsteps. Happy Mother's day mom, I love you and am so honored to have you as my mom!

Now, for my mother's day! I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking, what more could I ask for? Justin makes a good breakfast! While waiting for everything to get done, I got to open my cards from the kids and Justin. Jaden was so excited and proud of the card he gave me. The card Justin gave me won the prize! On the front it read: It's Mother's Day! Relax, take a long nap, put your feet up, and don't worry about a thing!! In the inside it read: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, Now THAT'S a funny card, isn't it?! I did get somewhat of a break. Justin made the meals for the day and even cleaned up! I don't think I could have asked for anything better! I love you Just!! And I love you too Jaden, Halli, and Ragen!

The Friday before Mother's day I got to attend Preschool with Jaden for a special day! They showed the moms what they do everyday, sang us songs and we even got to have a snack with them! Jaden had done a special picture for me! The students were asked to draw a picture of their mom and then they were asked some questions about their mom. I have posted Jaden's portrait of me his answers to the questions. Some of them I must say I really like!! It was a fun day and I'm so happy I got to spend some quality time with my Jaders!!

The words didn't turn out so here are the responses Jaden gave about me:

My mom is as tall as Mrs. McBride.
My mom is 11 years old.
My mom weighs 45 pounds. (love this one!)
My mom's hair is yellow.
My mom's eyes are blue.
My mom's favorite color is pink.
My mom's favorite food is chicken.
My mom's job is to clean up the house. (Wow, he does pay attention! ha ha!!)

He did a great job answering the questions and he did get a few right! Good job Jaden!!

He still loves looking at his art work and has made sure that I am aware that he put chapstick on his picture. I do apply chapstick all day long...I need one hanging around my neck!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Sounds like you had a great day! I love that picture Jaden made for you and what he said. That is priceless! Jacki-your hair is getting so long-you look so pretty!