Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"The Big Red Car"

We have had this red car ever since Jaden was a baby. He hated riding in his stroller so we found this and he never wanted to get out. It was then passed down to Halli and she loves riding in it. Jaden and Halli love riding in it down the hill that comes down to our house or our neighbors driveway. Maybe not the safest activity but hey they have a good time. Anyway, the other day I thought I would stick Ragen in it to see if tradition would carry on. Sure enough she loved it! I had a few mild heart attcks because Halli insisted on pushing her and quite often she would end up popping wheelies...don't be scared it would take a lot to tip this over, but still my heart would drop! I noticed that one of the wheels is split, oh no!! Things don't last forever! We may have to get a new one so Raggie can have her turn at enjoying "The Big Red Car!"
Check out those eyebrows!
Look at that left hand turn position!


Micah said...

Look at little Ragen already posing for the camera! How sweet!

Jamie said...

Just a year ago, it was Halli in that car! I wish we could play Jacki! Love your new blog look! and I'm so glad that you are posting more-we just got back from California-fun photos coming soon!