Grandma Linda came to visit us in May and we decided to do something we have never done here in Seattle, "Ride the Ducks"!! It was so much fun!! So, it's a land and sea tour on a rig they used in WW II called an amphibious vehicle. Coast Guard certified maritime captains drive these crazy things while telling about the historical sites and on top of that, they put on quite a performance! We danced in our seats, sang songs, laughed at jokes and the kids had a great time blowing their quackers!! It was pretty neat to be riding down Highway 99, exit off and drive down into Lake Union, float around a for awhile, then drive out and hit the Highway again! I think the rigs top speed is 40 mph! It was a fun time and the kids had a blast! Jaden and Halli still ask when we are going to go Ride the Ducks again!!
It got a little bit windy for Halli, so she decided to pull her hood down over her face! Pretty comical!
Jaden Moments {Jaden has been losing teeth but today he lost his first top tooth, I guess we are entering those awkward years! He still looks cute but talks with a little lisp!! 5/16/09} {"I'm hot, not what girls think, my body's hot!" Oh the funny things kids say!! 4/09} {I recieved an email from Jaden's teacher the other day that said he had led the class in a sing along to "So what" by Pink! She also let me know that he often sings while doing his work, yes it is a distraction, but I guess there are worse things!} {Today Jaden and I were sitting on the couch and he saw an ultrasound on the TV and says, "Mom, how do babies get in your belly?" My response....UHMMMM!! Great how do I answer this one. When mommies want a baby Heavenly Father hears you and puts it in mommies tummy. He says he wants another baby, but this time a brother. My response to that one...that's nice but I think mom and dad have it figured out now!! No more babies for a long time!! 8/1/08} {We were all laying in bed one morning and I commented that Ragen felt hot and Jaden says, "Yeah, behind her legs are hot but not the straights!" Guess that meant the front of her legs!} {5/27/08-Today we planted flowers to spruce up our yard and Jaden told his dad, now we have flowers we are "rich". Cool...I didn't know that's all it took!} {"Red Alert, Red Alert, Halli we have to get out of here!" This is what I heard coming from the bathroom as water was running over the toilet. Jaden had taken it upon himself to unplug the toilet! He was very concerned, he thought he had ruined our house! It was kinda funny!}
Halli Moments {Rarely has clothes on, loves to be naked or in her fancy nancy get up! 6/09} {Is scared of "hello-vators"! Term for elevator} {"My name is Halli, I like to dance!" I catch her saying this quite often!! Funny! 5/09} {Halli has been asking me to call her "Daisy" and then the next day it was "Hope"! Where is this coming from! 5/09} {Funny words Halli says- "so...", "actually"!!} {Halli is really into singing "Livin' on a Prayer", it's hilarious and when you asks her who sings it she says, "Bon Jovi." 2/09} {I took the kids to McDonald's the other day and Halli wanted to know what the toy was so I told her it was "Littlest Pet Shop." When we pulled up and got the Happy Meals she said, "mom, can I have my Littlest Ketchup!" Pet Shop/Ketchup, close enough! 3/09} {Halli told me she wanted to use Jaden's "swish swash" Mouth wash! 2/20/09} {I had put Jaden and Halli to bed when a few minutes later I could here someone scooting down the stairs on their bum, so I went to take a peek and there was Halli. I took her back to her bed as she was telling me that her owie on her leg hurt (really there was no owie) so I kissed her leg and she looked at me and put her arms in the air and said, "I can't believe you guys not in bed!" She says some of the funniest things. Good thing she makes me laugh once in awhile because she sure is up to no good lately!! 2/16/09} {"Lugs and Kwisses!" Halli's version of hugs and kisses!} {"Nice going!"} {"I peacing out!" The phrase "Peace Out" is used at our house regularly and one night when Halli got done eating this is what she said as she got of her chair! 11/08} {We have been potty training and she is so excited when she the other day she pooped then she says, "AWESOME! Lets count them!"...huh!! At least she likes to count! 10/08} {She told me she had Dia-rhita!! 10/08} {I was picking up crumbs and she says, "It's just me making messes!" 10/08} {I asked Halli if she wanted a drink out of my snazy pink water bottle and she said, "That's cool!"10/08} {Halli's new word..."Holy Crap!" 8/8/08} {I was sitting at the computer today and Halli didn't know I was listening to her and I hear her say, "Hi Hannah, how are you!" Hannah is one of her friends. It was so cute because she was just talking to herself! 7/21/08} {Halli woke up Sunday morning with a swollen finger with blisters so we took her to the doc. to find out she had an infection. Today I was changing her bandage and when I finished she said, "Thank you mommy!" "Great job!" How cute!! 6/7/08} {I'm never too sure if Halli eats the food I give her so I have started asking her where her food is and she opens her mouth and then says "buggy" and points to her belly!!} {When Halli burps or tooters, she blames it on someone else. She says, "Jaden did it" or who ever sounds good. Makes me laugh!} {5/08-When I ask Halli if she is a big girl or a baby...her reply is "CUTE!"} {5/25/08-We had just got home from church and Justin was getting Halli out of her car seat and he said, "Halli why did you take your shoes off?" Her reply-"Tause!"} {When I ask Halli what Daddy's name is she says daddy Milner! Close enough!} {Halli loves her pretties! Pretties include: lip stick, necklaces, hair accessories, anything she thinks makes her look pretty!} {"K!" Halli answers with K everytime you ask her to do something or tell her something! It is so cute! Sure beats "NO!"}
Ragen Moments {Raggie is trying so hard to jump. She squats down, puts one arm up in the air and tries so hard to catch some air, all with a big smile on her face! 2/09} {Follows directions-loves to throw things in the garbage. 02/09} {Raggie's favorite words-mum (mom), more.} {First steps-11/21/08} {10/08-cutting her four molers...YIKES!!} {She loves to point her toes and kick her legs!} {10/08-loves to go up the stairs, doesn't know how to come down} {10/08-stood up by herself from floor} {Found her standing in her playpen...first time to pull herself up! 9/9/08} {Ragen gives us "five" when asked! 9/9/08} {Raggie is officially crawling the "real" crawl!!! 9 months 3 days.} {Gets to sitting position by herself-9 months} {Waves bye bye-9 months} {Ragen is fascinated with her hands, loves to look at them and wave them around. She has also discovered clapping her hands together!! 7/16/08} {8 months and we are "army" crawling! Although not technically crawling, she gets around really well!! {I have to give up on keeping track of teeth, I looked in her mouth today and saw 3 new teeth popping through!! Poor girl! 7/1/08--8 teeth by nine months} {First top tooth 6/16/08, not the front one though...crazy!!} {Ragen's new trick...smacks her lips! 7 months} {Ragen has discovered breathing through her nose and likes the sound it makes. It's so funny, she does it even harder when you do it back to her! Sounds real nice with a snotty nose! 6/14/08} {Sits up 6/5/08} {First bottom tooth 4/4/08} {Second bottom tooth 4/8/08} {Rolls all over the place at 4 1/2 months}
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