Monday, August 11, 2008

Jaden's Summer Activities

Jaden played his first year of T-ball...I think he liked it...if not he sure enjoyed playing in the dirt. It's so funny to watch kids play sports at this age. I can't say that any of them were really into it. They stand out in the field and kick the dirt, draw in the dirt, throw their mits in the air, and have all sorts of good times. Jaden had this habit, each time he would run to a base he would pick it up and clean of the dirt, yes...first, second, and third, and then a slide into home plate. I know as the years go on he will take sports more serious, so I guess I better enjoy him being so carefree about them now!! Last week he did a mini sports camp that was three hours for 5 days...boy was that nice and he had a lot of fun. He already wants me to sign him up for next summer. I didn't get any pictures at camp but he told me he enjoyed basketball the most. He told me he made a "hoop"!! Here are a few pictures of T-ball!!


Jamie said...

What a handsome little t-ball player-I bet he loved it!

Staiger Smiles said...

What a little cutie! It is great to have them burn their endless energy! How fun!